----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2002 12:25 PM
Subject: Filer's Files #40 Sightings Heavy on West Coast
#40 - 2002, MUFON Skywatch Investigations George A. Filer,
Director Mutual UFO Network Eastern October 2,, 2002, Majorstar@aol.com. Webmaster:
Chuck Warren -- My new website is at
The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and
photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world.
Features this week are: Maine police see UFO, Vermont flying triangle, New
York yellow flying triangle, Pennsylvania bigfoot, Virginia disk, North Carolina
cone, Wisconsin bright light, Illinois formations, Arizona flying wing,
California five objects in sky, Oregon blue beam, Washington UFO photos
continue, Canadian video of cylinder, Mexico photo of UFO, Peruvian Air Force
researches UFOs, Argentine police see 8 UFOs, and United Arab Emirates yellow
The planet
Venus is the brightest star in the heavens at this time of year. At visual
magnitude -4.6, Venus outshines Sirius by a whopping factor of 18. You can
see it in low southwest between 6:30 and 7:00 p.m. just after local
sunset. It may exhibit a long shape due to ice crystals in the
atmosphere. -Thanks to
SCARBOROUGH -- On September 13, 2002, a
security guard saw a white-reddish circular object with a wide V on the top in
brilliant white in the clear black sky with numerous stars. The UFO moved
smoothly, but not fast. The witness states, "I was making my security
rounds at 1:15 AM, and at first I just saw the lights, but looking closer I saw
a hovering object, that immediately begun to move." The UFO movements were
over the ocean about a 1/2 mile off shore. I took my flashlight and
clicked it off and on slowly and then rapidly.
It seems as though
the object would move in coordination with my flashing of the light and
observe what I was doing. After watching for half an hour, I reported the
sighting to the local police and an officer came to my location and also saw the
object. We walked to a darkened area of the inn and observed the UFO
moving and casting the white/reddish colors. He stated he would contact
FAA, for any air traffic. The only air traffic was a plane I observed at
3:15 AM. The police officer said he would go to the station for binoculars
and try to observe object at a beach a couple miles closer. I also contacted the
night auditor and we watched the object together as it made movements.
Thanks to Peter Davenport.
WALDEN -- On September 8, 2002, the witness was staying at
a friends house in Northern Vermont and watched an impressive display of the
Northern Lights early in the evening. The witness says," I fell asleep on
the couch and awoke around 3 AM and decided to take my sleeping bag onto the
deck to fall asleep under the stars. While stargazing I noticed what
appeared to me a satellite tracking from south to north. Upon further
observation I noticed that the object was being followed by two additional
lights of the same size. All three were equidistant forming a very distinct
triangle pattern. The lights were about 1.5 - 2x brighter than the surrounding
stars. I continued to follow the objects as they tracked steadily to the
north. After the sighting I observed two brief flashes, similar to a
mirror at a great distance reflecting sunlight. The flashes were quite brief but
3-4x brighter than the stars. These occurred about a minute apart from each
other and were overhead in the area.
NUFORC Note: We are aware of the U.
S. Navy "NOSS" satellites which currently are in orbit, but they are not in a
polar orbit, to the best of our knowledge. Also, they probably would not
be visible at 3:00 AM, since they probably would be in the Earth's shadow at
that time. Thanks to Peter Davenport NUFORC
ONEIDA -- On September 8, 2002, at 4 PM,
on the highway in Little Falls there was people driving slow and some people
were out of their car pointing up. Flying in the sky was a yellow flying
triangle with yellow pulsing lights, then it disappeared and left a smoke trail
like a jet in the shape of a triangle. Thanks to Peter
TOWNSHIP --Two witnesses reported to Researcher Stan Gordon that on two separate
occasions they spotted a Bigfoot creature. The man said that he thought that I
should be made aware of what was happening, but he strongly expressed that
the identities of those involved, as well as the actual location of the
sighting not be made public. Gordon and his wife Debbie went to Westmoreland
County to investigate and video tape the sites. The teenage son was
the first to have an encounter with the Bigfoot like animal on September 11,
2002, at 6 PM. The young man was a very serious individual, and carefully
revealed the details of his sunset sighting, when he heard crashing sounds
originating from a wooded area.. There were sounds as though something was
hitting a log, and branches breaking. He stopped to listen, 300 feet
away he saw "a big brown human looking thing but very tall." The creature
was observed in some clearings. He was man-like with broad shouldered, about 8
feet tall very long arms , and covered with dark brown hair. The creature's head
was not perfectly round, and somewhat cone shaped. The creature which took
very long steps, was swinging its arms as it moved, and was slightly bent
forward as it walked. " It leaned over when it walked." The observation
lasted about 30 seconds.
Then on September 27, 2002, at about 2
PM., the wife heard a sound like limbs and trees breaking coming from her left,
and she stopped her car. She was concerned about deer and was
talking to her husband on the cell phone when 45 yards away, she saw a
tall hairy creature emerge from a clearing in the woods an estimated at 8
feet tall that matched the previous description. The creature took big steps and
crossed a tall barbed wire fence in stride and just raised its leg over the
fence. "It just walked over a 44 inch fence. I had made many trips in this
general area during 1973, when a major outbreak of Bigfoot sightings was
occurring. Thanks to Stan Gordon (724-838-7768)
paufo@westol.com http://www.westol.com/~paufo
POQUOSON -- The witness reports, "I saw a brilliant
bright light streaking across the sky on September 15, 2002, something that I
have never witnessed in my life." At about 9:35 PM, I was driving and
stopped my van to look as the object traveled across the sky at an extremely
high rate of speed and disappeared. I contacted Langley Air Force Base who
confirmed that they had no aircraft up tonight. We had cloudy conditions
due to a tropical depression. I also contacted the local TV station but
they had no other calls. There have been no meteor reports.
September 15, 2002, my friends and I were on Lake Wylie fishing at 2:30 AM. We
were startled as two cone shaped objects passed overhead at high speed. No
sound came from the objects only a trail of blue light followed the
objects. Thanks to Peter Davenport NUFORC
SHEBOYGAN -- Jamie B. a 21 year old gas station attendant saw a
bright white light at about 30 degrees up on September 26, 2002, that was about
half the size of a pencil eraser at arm's length. It would alternate
between bright white and dim in a few seconds. I watched it move south for two
minutes. I also asked a man who was filling up his truck if he was seeing what I
was seeing. his response was " Hmm that is a weird looking plane isn't
it?" Around 7:43 PM, looked again and the light seemed to have gotten
smaller and was flashing from white to red and then blue extremely fast. I
called my Mother who lives close by. After five minutes, it started to
move north in the same degree and path that the white light moved except in the
opposite direction. My Mom arrived and she thought it was a slow moving plane.
Thanks to Jamie B.
CHICAGO -- Two round objects were observed hovering in the
western sky at about 8:55 PM, on September 15, 2002. The witness reports,
"They had red and green lights and were moving up and down, left and right like
nothing I have seen before." This is the second time in a week I have seen
them only this time they appeared closer to me then the last time. I am a
41 year old male who has never experienced anything like this
CHICAGO -- Later on September 15, 2002, at 10:40 PM, two
observers 20 and 25 year old students at the School of the Art Institute were at
the Buckingham Fountain on the Lake Michigan water front looking at the
stars. He reports, "All of a sudden, two bright lights came out of the
west moving very rapidly towards the east. They were four times the
diameter of a bright star and it looked like they were made up of four lights:
three orange lights surrounding a yellow one in the center. The two
objects were flying about three inches from each other at my arm's length. They
were flying so perfectly in formation that at first I thought it was one object.
I yelled to my girlfriend, who looked up to see the objects. As they
approached the east horizon they started doing some weird, non-ballistic
maneuvers that told me it was two separate objects moving quickly back and
forth closer to each other and then farther apart. We watched them until
they disappeared out of sight. Thanks to Peter Davenport NUFORC
WEST PHOENIX -- Joy F. was sitting
outside at 1:30 AM, observing the night sky when she saw two planes flying
east at high altitude on September 14, 2002. Most planes are lower coming
into landing pattern for the airport. She thought that
was odd, so she ran into house for binoculars and started looking at the
aircraft lights. Joy says, "I was just panning the sky marveling at
all the stars I could see with the binoculars as opposed to
naked eye and all of a sudden there appears in my view
an object at low altitude flying southwest line that was 'V' shaped and all lit
up. I was looking north when I saw the 'V' possibly putting it
over Glendale." This was not just a few points of light in the
shape of a 'V' but more like the light those shake and break tubes
the kids use at Halloween. I was amazed as I concentrated on
it... it might have turned as the 'V' was
not all that distinguishable anymore.. I got up to track it
but lost it. I could not see anything moving with the naked
eye. its almost as if this thing was not visible to naked eye
but maybe the binoculars acted like night vision?? Thanks to
Joy phx. Joyfu96337
SIERRAS -- A group of four friends just got back from a camping
trip, the week of September 16th thru the 22nd They started out just north
of Bishop, in the Eastern Sierras, and traveled throughout the area and saw a
very large bright object near Lone Pine. At first the group thought it was
a search helicopter with a search light coming out of the bottom. They
ruled out a helicopter rather quickly after grasping the tremendous size of the
object. The object burst into a symmetrical flower shape and there was an
after glow that lasted 2 or 3 minutes before it disappeared. After two or three
minutes 3 fighter jet's buzzed that area. Thanks to Doug
WINNETKA -- We saw five objects, three in a row going downward in
the sky and one on each side on September 19, 2002. The objects had
flashing lights of different colors at 2:30 AM. We were able to see them
better with binoculars in the Eastern San Fernando Valley, and tried to capture
them with a digital camera, but the battery died. I am an employee of a
public utility and my husband is a welder. We are not usually awake at
this hour, but we were preparing to go on vacation.
BASE, Calif. (AP) - An Air Force missile test provided a spectacular light show
seen over California and much of the West, on September 19, 2002. The
colorful contrail was seen soon after the unarmed Minuteman III intercontinental
ballistic missile blasted off at 7:36 p.m. from an underground silo at the
Vandenberg Air Force Base north of Santa Barbara. "The smoke went up in
spirals as the sun was setting and turned into an orange, amber color. It
was like a flower going into bloom pretty quickly. The missile traveled
4,200 miles in about 30 minutes, striking a predetermined target at the
Kwajalein Missile Range in the Pacific to test the missile's accuracy. "We
do this several times a year, but because the weather was so perfect we decided
to launch early and people were still awake to see it. Even though the sun was
below the horizon it glinted off unspent fuel particles and water
droplets. "Several people reported the sighting to the UFO Reporting
Center. The mission was directed by the 576th Flight Test Squadron and the 341th
Space Wing from Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana.
Editors Note: Many
people made reports of the launch, although some reported it might be a UFO
heading straight up. The reports were reasonably accurate indicating that
similar reports of UFOs are also fairly accurate. I estimate about a third
of the sightings carried in these files are genuine UFOs of unknown
origin. On occasion missile launches have also been accompanied by
PORTLAND -- An amateur astronomer and aviation enthusiast reports,
that on September 17, 2002, I saw a fluorescent blue/purple beam like a thin
streak of lightning descend from the sky to , ground at 11:30 PM. This
beam was relatively dim but very clearly connected to the ground 1/4-mile south
from my location. Following the beam upwards, it grew dimmer with
distance, becoming invisible to the eye at about 250 meters, higher up, I
spotted an aircraft flying at 2,500 feet moving south with a steady dim red
light between the two white strobes. The strobes were blinking together,
at an interval of two quick strobes in rapid succession separated by 3/4 second
between bursts. The strange beam appeared to be literally connected to this
aircraft, although at that distance I could not confirm this due to the beam
becoming too dim at that altitude.
As the craft passed overhead
the angle of the beam changed precisely as if it was fixed to a ground
location. The width was a toothpick held at arm's length. I lost
sight of the aircraft several times, but needed only to follow the path of this
beam upwards to relocate the aircraft's position. The angle of the beam changed
from and angle of 60, to 90 degrees straight up, and to 45 degrees precisely in
unison with the aircraft as though it were a tether attached to the aircraft and
fixed to the ground. Through my binoculars the beam appeared un-solid,
quite wide and wavy, similar to lightening or electricity. I awoke my wife
and she confirmed what I was seeing. I drove in my car to directly below
the beam in about a minute, but it disappeared. The total duration of this
sighting was eight minutes. My father is an international pilot, and we
have discussed the many highly strange natural phenomena that he observes
regularly during his flight paths over the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and the
Arctic. My understanding is that this phenomenon is completely
unique. Thanks to Peter Davenport NUFORC
BANKS -- It was hovering
about two miles away at a pretty high altitude on September 19, 2002. The
witness states, "I thought it was a B-2, or one of those old Flying Wings
hovering for about one minute." At 11 PM, it looked like a blackish dark
gray B-2 bomber, but then it shot sharply forward only to slow down and
stop. It then hovered for about another minute and then it shot up at an
angle into the sky and disappeared. I saw a UFO when I was 10 years old,
but I haven't been looking for them since. I have a major knowledge of
aviation so, I can tell the differences between aircraft made in this world, and
I know that wasn't something I've ever heard of or seen before. I don't know if
it was making any noise due to a Cessna flying circles over head. I called
the local Hillsboro Airport and they were not tracking anything in that
direction, but they said that it was probably a military jet from the Portland
Airbase. The base only has F-15s fighters, and they can't do what this did
around here. This was a UFO. Thanks to Peter Davenport
SEATTLE -- A woman called to report just having
witnessed a very large, cigar-shaped object doing maneuvers in the western sky
on September 18, 2002, viewed from near the corner of Airport Way and Spokane
Avenue in south Seattle at 7:15 PM. The witness described the object as
being disc-like, or perhaps shaped like a cigar, with a distinct bulge on the
top, and with several lights along the side, flashing in sequence from left to
right. The object maneuvered to a considerable degree, executing a circular
path, at one point. It appeared to the witnesses to be quite large, perhaps
"three times the size of a Boeing 747." The witnesses stopped their
vehicle, and attempted to draw the attention of other drivers to the object, but
not one either stopped, or took notice of the object. NUFORC Note: We
asked the witness whether she thought the object might have been a blimp, and
she insisted it was not. She and her boyfriend reside near Boeing Field,
and they feel they are quite familiar with all types of aircraft.
SPOKANE-- On September 14, 2002, three unidentified flying objects were
flying from east to west at 5:15 AM and then many jets followed. The
witness reports, "Early in the morning, I heard a noise that blended in with the
sound of the freeway nearby downtown Spokane, it sounded like a Volkswagen bug
or chopper sound mixed with a kind of whirring or whishing frequency, that went
swish. So the sound went chuck chuk chuk whishzzzz, it was very
mechanical. I looked out my second story window and noticed a cat on the
front lawn who was uncannily looking up at the sky toward the east, that's when
I saw a solid white light moving towards me. The light made some
loops, half moons, figure eight, and right angles. I woke my girlfriend,
and asked her to look and listen. She heard it. I sat down for 20 minutes
watching it hover with a bobbing motion. I then saw a second object to the
southeast and they both stopped for about 8 minutes, and then they starting
moving again.
The first one did some pretty impossible moves and
angles, and I saw the additional lights come on. There where three with one at
the top and two on the bottom. It then went back to one light, and cycled
to 2 lights before retiring to one light. It then appeared to move far
away and fade and then move close and brighten, this happened numerous times,
before stopping and freezing again. Then the second light which was quickly
flashing blue white and green made some very acrobatic movements which are not
possible within our technology. It stopped moving at the same time as the
first object, and was joined by a third object briefly that was between the
first two. It then faded away. The other two objects hovered. I went
upstairs, looked out the window and the first object was gone, then reappeared,
the second object moved rapidly towards the south, then the first object
reappeared, disappeared, and reappeared a large distance to the east of its
original position. Thus going point to point in a triangle disappearing and
reappearing like it teleported almost, and then disappeared altogether, the
second object still moving, just vanished about 3 minutes after that. I
saw a very high speed jet come through the direct path heading west, like it was
in pursuit. Thanks to Peter Davenport
MONTREAL, QUEBEC -- The witness was driving south on the
Champlain Bridge September 27, 2002, during a rainy night and caught something
out of the corner of his eye at the highest point of the bridge when he
saw what looked liked a plane flying extremely low. The witness stated,
"The lights flew over the bridge in a horizontal flight pattern (it slowed down
when crossing over the bridge) I then had a good look at the light
formation at 7:40 PM. It then increased speed, where it broke its flight
line at a right angle going up into the sky over St-Lambert. As I was
driving under the structure, I realized that what I was looking at, was not a
plane or anything else I had seen before. It seemed that cars slowed
down. I was stunned. The basic shape of the craft looked like
a small square which is wider at the top, almost like a truncated triangle or a
geometric 'U' that widens half way up. The whole thing was the size of the
small truck. I have a feeling I was looking at the end of the craft
because I saw a light formation with lights that were circular, flat and red,
like you would see on the rear of cars in the fifties. The lights were not
'bulb like' but extremely flat, and the size of a dinner plate. Four
lights on each side and three at the bottom of the geometric 'U'. Thanks
to Brian Vike.
HAMILTON, ONTARIO -- The witness was sitting in his hot
tub looking up into an unusually clear night on September 11, 2002, and noticed
at least three times faint lights moving across the sky at 2:22 AM. At
first, I thought it was light from a searchlight. Two minutes later, a
triangular formation of three lights came into view, traveling incredibly fast
from NNW to SSE. It was six seconds from the time they came into view
until they passed out of view behind the roof of my south-side neighbor's
house. This is sixty five percent of the sky along the flight path. I did
not see any metallic type of craft, only three distinct, equally bright lights
that were a dull yellow color, and not sharp, but rather fuzzy, as if slightly
out of focus. Each light was, I would guess, to be about the size of a
dime at arm's length, spaced about triple that length apart, with the two
trailing lights about sixty degrees off from the leading light.
LEDUC, ALBERTA -- On September 15, 2002, at 2:45 AM, Denny Unger decided
to step outside on a clear and windless night and saw three points of light
forming a flying triangle. My first thought was that I was having a dizzy
spell so I refocused, and the lights were there. Thirty seconds later the
flying triangle of lights changed direction from north to east. The object
was either very large or very low and appeared to blot out passing stars without
sound. The lights on each tip were solid white, but of very low
intensity. There was a distinct impression that the corner lights were
used to camouflage the object and it was doing its best not to be seen. It
was completely silent. I entered the house and grabbed my digital video
camera, and began filming the object but soon lost sight of it as it flew behind
a neighbor's home. I attempted to follow but lost it. This was all
captured on video but the triangular formation of lights could not be resolved
on film. Leduc is southeast of the Edmonton International Airport and I
can tell you with the authority of living near the strip for over 10 years that
this was NOT A PLANE. The object was far too huge to be compared to
anything I've seen in our local skies. "Heavens Above" satellite tracking
system (www.heavens-above.com) listed no satellites for my area. You have
my permission to reveal my e-mail and name. I believe this willingness
lends a great deal to credibility. Thanks to Denny Unger
www.darkplanetonline.com darkplanet@shaw.ca
LAS GAVIOTAS/BAJA -- While reviewing pictures I had
taken of the ocean view directly in front of my vacation rental, I discovered an
image that was captured by my digital camera on one of my pictures taken on
September 13, 2002. I've never seen anything like it. Any
interferences or obstacles have been unquestionably ruled out. The picture
that I took of the exact same view, 30 seconds previously, shows no image
whatsoever at about 7 PM. I know that this is a rare and special picture
that I photographed. A flash moving slow at first, changes into a
spherical shape, circles, and races west, leaving behind a hazy greenish smoke
LIMA -- The
Herald reports," Of all the officers in all the armed forces of the world,
perhaps none has a more unusual job than Peruvian Air Force Commander Julio
Chamorro: to investigate -- and perhaps prove -- the existence of UFOs. As
head of the Office to Investigate Aerial Phenomena, Chamorro directs a
seven-member team in charge of studying what he calls ``anomalies that could
cause problems with aviation.'' Ostensibly, the office investigates planes
that veer off course and hang gliders that steer too close to military bases,
but that's not the crux of the work.
Of the hundreds of calls
received each month by the office, Chamorro says at least half are to report UFO
sightings. And Chamorro believes many are credible. ''There are
several mysteries that we believe are highly important and which merit our full
attention,'' Chamorro said. ``If we can arrive at definitive conclusions, our
work will be highly beneficial to Peru and all of humanity. Just think about the
technological advances if we can definitely prove the existence of
spacecrafts.'' Chamorro estimates that 60 percent of Peru's population has
seen an unexplainable event in the sky. He says about a dozen each month
are credible UFO sightings with no easy explanation. For example, the
video taken in Chulucanas, Piura, at the end of 2001. Chamorro says it shows a
huge ship sitting in the sky for nearly two hours. ''The ship made no noise and
did not move. You can see the shape, which includes even windows,'' Chamorro
said. Chulucanas has a long history of UFO sightings, he added.
Chamorro's office was officially organized two years ago, but the Peruvian
government's interest in UFOs goes back decades, and there is archaeological
evidence that ancient cultures were also hooked on other-worldly
phenomena. Thanks to Lucien O. Chauvin Lima Herald and Scott Corrales
officers in Cordoba Province, "report they have witnessed numerous circular and
luminous objects performing wobbly maneuvers in the night sky. The objects were
seen at a great distance but other police officers were contacted in an outpost
in Conechingones, with the object appearing and hovering over tall hills.
Police on patrol in the region last saw the phenomenon on September 6, 2002, at
around 10 PM. Two of the officers in the town of Sampacho were radioed and
they spotted the red glow of eight hovering UFOs over the hill at an altitude of
1,500 meters for several minutes.. The UFOs made no sound. Thanks to Mario
Luis Bracamonte del Servicio Informativo Ovnilogico de
DUBAI -- The
witness was lying on the beach on September 13, 2002, on a clear cloudless night
at 10 PM, when he suddenly saw a flash across the sky moving very slow at
first. Then in a split second the shape changed into something spherical,
and it seemed to stop for a moment and then circled as though it was searching
for something. The UFO was yellow and then suddenly raced west, leaving a
thin trail of greenish violet, hazy kind of smoke trail.
A. K.
Johnstone, Ph.D., explores with evidence, the creation of a weather shield
to deter UFOs from entering earth's atmosphere, as well as the erratic
weather changes in recent years. Numerous UFO sightings are examined
from a scientific viewpoint, including plasma sheaths and fireballs.
Order illustrated book, $14.95 from Hancock House 1-800-938-1114.
Pat Marcatillio is holding a UFO conference in
Bordentown, NJ on October 12 and 13 at the Days' Inn. Ingo Swann,
David Jacobs, Tom Van Flandern, Jim Moseley, Bruce Maccabee and others will
be speaking. Details are at--http://www.drufo.org.
SCIFI.COM -- "Join
me for an online chat Wednesday, October 9, at 9 p.m. ET/6p.m. PT, at
www.scifi.com. We'll discuss UFO sightings and I'll be available to answer
your questions.
Consider shopping at: FILER.unfranchise.com for your
Holiday gifts. You can shop on line in a hundred different stores such as
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reading these files, and you usually will qualify for special discounts.
how you can obtain the best real estate agent for your needs. To get a
free copy of this report e-mail me at Majorstar@aol.com
MUFON UFO JOURNAL -- For more detailed monthly investigative
reports subscribe to the MUFON JOURNAL. A MUFON membership includes the
Journal and costs only $35.00 per year. To join MUFON or to report a UFO go to
http://www.mufon.com/. To ask questions contact MUFONHQ@aol.com or
HQ@mufon.com. Mention that I recommended you for membership.
Filer's Files is copyrighted 2002 by George A. Filer, all rights
reserved. Readers may post the complete files on their Web Sites if they
credit the newsletter and its editor by name and list the date of issue that the
item appeared. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL
MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar@aol.com. Sending
mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name.
Please FILER.unfranchise.com state if you
wish to keep your name, address, or story confidential. CAUTION, MOST OF
George Filer